Case Study Essay On Intimacy

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a weekly date night to ensure they had time to nourish their relationship. Their relationship improved, their sex life closely followed. One solution led to another. There are many ways to address this kind of problem. Intimacy is a very delicate thing. The first step not to lose sight of it is by identifying the root of the problem, talk about it, find a solution and execute. Money Wayne and Kate is a middle age couple who have been together for close to a decade. They used to go out every weekend and splurge. They have two children, one five years old, the other eight. Both working, their childcare cost was expensive but Wayne’s job had childcare reimbursement, otherwise it would be too much for the couple to cover the costs. Wayne had a good position with the company. Unfortunately, his employer sold out to another company with a different benefit package. Although Wayne’s salary was unaffected, he lost childcare reimbursement. That threw the couple into a financial turmoil. After doing the math, it was better for Kate to stay home than to pay childcare. Her family was too far away to help her out. Keeping their current lifestyle would require Wayne or Kate to get a second job. Wayne decided to find a second job but it proved to be difficult. It is challenging to find a part time job that does not conflict with the main job work schedule. Finding a higher paying job was another option but the job market was not competitive enough for him to make a move. Their last resort was to ask family for money but they did not want to. …show more content…

Many people become confrontational and controlling during those arguments. Such attitude is just going to create more problems. Having strong opinions is much different from being argumentative. A conversation about money problems should lead to finding solutions; on the other hand, an argument takes accusatory tones often accompanied by loud voices that just lead to

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