Designing Interpretive Signs: A Reflection

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Week Four: Interpretive Signs
After class, when I reflected the lecture, I felt very excited because I understood how to design interpretive signs. Before I joined this lecture, I did not know there are many principles in design interpretive signs. I just thought that these signs are explanation boards which have some information, tell us some stories, and let us pay attention to them. I learned a lot in this lecture, especially how to design a good sign.

When I learned some principles to design interpretive signs, these things reminded me of my trip to Tasmania. Several months ago, I went to Tasmania. During this trip, I visited Port Arthur, a former convict settlement and now as a famous museum. This was my first time to visit …show more content…

I understood why interpretive sign in Port Arthur is good. On the one hand, this lecture taught us how to design a good interpretative design and how to distinguish good from bad signs and how to fix the bad signs. On the other hand, from my personal experience, I learned when I see some things, I cannot see the surface of the thing, the insight is more important than the surface. In other words, when I start to do things, I should focus on why to do and how to do, not only focus on the …show more content…

However, many people just talk without taking any action. As an old sentence said a man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. We cannot do anything if we never take actions. So, how can we start? For my personal experience, to protect the environment, we should start from ourselves, from little things such as throw waste into the garbage. If we do these things day by day, we can influence the people who around us. I think the environment will be better than before in our

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