Decoding Narayan's Third World Feminist Perspectives

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A Reaction to Narayan’s Dislocating Cultures.
Narayan’s article raises many questions about third world issues are perceived by western bodies. In her article, Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism, she looks at the “‘effects’ that national contexts have on the construction of feminist issues and the ways in which understandings of issues are then affected by border crossings across national boundaries” and how culture is invoked in explaining the forms of violence that stem from these issues (p.213). She explains this phenomenon by focusing on dowry murder in India. Dowry murder has caused a large outcry and shock, even on the path of the author. But there is a certain shock that stems from western individuals, which tends to ‘exoticize’ and reinforce the notion of the other regarding Indian culture. She refers to Elisabeth Bumiller’s novel, May You be the Mother of a Hundred Sons: A Journey among the Women of India, and she narrows her focus down to chapter three “Flames: A Bride Burning and a Sati.” The author provides a context for understanding her story, in which she mentions a brief account of the mythological Goddess Sita, who threw …show more content…

Yes, it is a harmful act, that does not really yield any benefits for women, but so does forced sterilization which was carried out not only in the United States but in Canada also. Alberta and British Columbia in the 20th century had carried out sterilization without consent, on young people, disabled individuals, minorities, and poor women. Poor women especially, who were suspected of being promiscuous, were sterilized so they would not bear immoral children. Why did this not receive the kind of outcry that FGM did? Yes, it was recognized as wrong, but it is not understood as a Canadian cultural

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