Importance Of Nation State

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A "nation-state" is one type of structure in which a country (nation), organizes itself politically under one government. To begin, a "nation" refers to the people or private lives of citizens. Nations are uniform in their demography and culture ( language, race, culture, ethnicity, etc.) and have a strong sense of community. Nations also politically control themselves (autonomous self-governance) and establish institutions (government, economy, education, labor, health). A nation promotes nationalism, the ideology that the nation 's geographic and demographic interests should be the primary political identity of its individuals (sum of all parts). A "state" is "a politically organized territory which recognizes no higher law". The four …show more content…

There are formally 100 different sub-units of India and 200 informally. There are 14 major languages, 8 alphabets and 22k dialects. There is also a high level of religious diversity with Hindu (80%), Muslim (11%), 9% Christian/Sikh/Buddhist and 63 national holidays. They are unified as Indians against colonialism ("the enemy of my enemy is my friend"), they also found unity in the anti-colonial struggle. They are formally a liberal democracy yet informally a one-party system (remnants of their past colonial rule), though their political institutions are considered largely legitimate as they somewhat mimic the British political system (Parliament which they refer to as "Lok Sabha", independent judiciary, culture of noblesse oblige). India 's first clear definition of being a single state with boundaries was in 1947 when they gained independence from Britain. However, they experience partition with Pakistan in the west and Bangladesh in the east. Conflicts exist with Kashmir where the territory is split, 2/3 belonging to India and 1/3 belonging to Pakistan. India is a young democracy, their sense of nationalism is best described as "Unity within

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