Narrative of Twentieth Century Liberalism: Achievements and Evolution

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Topic #2: How would you construct a narrative of liberalism in the twentieth century? What were its benchmark achievements and how did it change over time? The progressive era was a time period that opened the eyes of Americans. Rapid growth and industrialization caused huge strains on the labor force and government intervention was needed. There were key moments that pushed the American people into a progressive state and key moments that spoke measures of the success they had. The progressive era was just the beginning of the movement and set the bar for the rest of the twentieth century on what was expected from the government and our presidents. Through the 20th century we have seen presidents that have come from opposite sides of the spectrum …show more content…

That is, to control the rapid growth that was putting a strain on the average American. Theodore Roosevelt was considered first of the “progressive presidents”. The first benchmark achievement was in 1902, when he intervened in a national coal strike. He persuaded the owners to allow the dispute to be settled by a commission that he would appoint. By doing so he recognized the United Mine Workers Union. However, this was more than just recognizing a union. Roosevelt made a statement about what kind of president he would be and about what the American people should stand for. It is the first achievement of progressivism that sparked the reforms still to come. Another big achievement by Roosevelt was passing the Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Acts in 1906. These acts regulated and guaranteed the safety of what the American people consumed. Many businesses benefited from and supported these acts, showing that Roosevelt’s active liberal government could be good for both …show more content…

Progressivism continued to push for environmentalism, women’s rights, civil liberties and labor unions. The civil rights revolution pushed Americans to use their voice and fight for their rights. The 1960s movements stressed personal liberation. Progressivism turned into a movement that challenged the people to stand up for what they want. In addition, people began to fight to protect the environment. Under republican Richard Nixon, a series of measures to protect the environment were passed. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and the Endangered Species Act were passed in during the late 1960’s and early 1970s (page

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