Interview's Transcript: A Description Of A Interview In The Classroom

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Interview's Transcript
Interviewer: What do you do at the first lesson?
Interviewee: I usually do an introduction activity. Something fun and creative in which I get to know the students and the students get to know each other. However, it depends if it is a new class or not. If we know each other already, the activity will focus on what they did during the vacation.
Interviewer: What is established on the first day of school face to face?
Interviewee: I do not think I establish anything on the first day. I do not want to scare them.
Interviewer: Do you introduce your rules?
Interviewee: I do not do it at the first lesson. I usually start at the second lesson with the most important rules such as, being on time and respecting each other. During …show more content…

The principal was actually one of the teachers in the past, so he truly understands and works with the rest of the staff cooperatively. Furthermore, he is very involved in the classroom management. For example, the principal decided that each time a pupil comes late to class, the teacher can send him to the secretary to get a letter. If he has three letters, he will get suspended for a day. Moreover, if a student got twice a letter with an assignment one after the other, he stays for a long day. The principal also takes some problematic children and speaks with them personally and in general, if I have a student that is out of control, I know that I can send him to the principal and he will help me. Although I do not have to use this support, it aids me as a teacher to know that I have someone on my back and that I am not alone. In general, we have a very good and safe environment in school as …show more content…

I even asked the same questions other teachers as well since the answers can truly aid me as a teacher. Although the questions do not relate to the learning content, they are very important for the way of learning. It seems that a good way of learning will result in better learning. Moreover, it is related to everyday teaching. In contrast of the content which changes from time to time.
In addition, classroom management seems to be one of the most difficult tasks for a teacher. From the interview, I learned that the most effective and essential way is being consistent. The consequences of this method are useful and not only for the classroom management but also for promoting the learning in general since a consistent teacher makes the pupil know what is expected of him and makes a clear and safe environment, which supports learning.
Also, I was surprised to find out a teacher who has such a close relationship with her students' parents. Most of the teachers that I know, usually look at parents' involvement in a negative way. Nevertheless, it appears to be a promoting tool for teachers if they use it correctly and with some

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