A History of Japan

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Japans history dates back almost 53,000 years and is filled with interesting and fascinating events. Most of Japans actions have left the major world powers in the world stunned. The base of this amazing country is astonishing just by itself. The base is a bunch of active and large under water volcanoes. Japans uniqueness from the rest of the world ranges from its culture to its very interesting history to the change in government every few hundred years and their trading dilemma with petroleum and their assortment of fish that they export. Japan as a country is so very appealing and kind compared to the rest of the world its no wonder that it’s geographically separate from the rest of the world.

Japan has been called the “Land of the Rising Sun” and with the beauty and serenity of Japan, the name fits. The land in this volcanic and mountainous country is covered in a great assortment of trees ranging from oak to maple to cedar and is a cluster of active under water volcanoes. Japan is said to be “a curving chain of volcanic islands larger in area than Great Britain.” This wondrous country is located one-hundred twenty miles west of the Korea Straight, separated from the rest of Asia. Japan has four main islands, Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido. The northern most island of Japan is Hokkaido. Just south of Hokkaido is the most populous island and is the center for growth and development. This island is called Honshu and contains three-fourths of the population. Shikoku and Kyushu are the last two islands and are south of Honshu.

Based off of the beauty, the people of Japan believe that the beauties of nature should be appreciated and respected. In fact, one of the main religions is based on nature and learning to respec...

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... as possible, if it is negative at any time, they export fish and large quantities of lumber. The port that most ships come into Japan is Kobe and it’s the main port in Japan. Kobe is located twenty miles west of Osaka which is a main city in Japan. The people of Japan are very interesting and have a long history that is just as fascinating as the culture and people of the country.

The unique geography of Japan only helps to explain the rareness of its culture, a culture that nobody in the rest of the world can match. Their history is only matched by their one of a kind government and the objects that only Japan can export to the rest of the world in such pristine way. The 53,000 year history of Japan can never be replicated by any other country and can only improve as the years continue. Japan is a culture all its own and will continue to do so in future years.

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