A Double Blind Experiment: Experiment And Research Process

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A double blind experiment is an experimental procedure in which both the subjects and research assistants do not know who has been assigned to either the control group or experimental group. For example, X Drug Company is going to perform a double blind experiment to see if their new anxiety medication is effective. There will be an experimental group who will receive the treatment, and a control group that will receive a placebo. In this case, the placebo will be an identical looking pill containing an inactive substance. The research assistants will hand out the two pills, without knowing who is receiving the placebo or actual medication. Without a double blind procedure, the research assistant may give unintentional cues to those receiving
This stage of sleep lasts approximately ten minutes, and during this time you may experience falling, floating, or jerking sensations. It is also common to see images resembling hallucinations. Next is Stage 2 sleep, during which you are more relaxed, but still easily awakened. Stage 2 lasts for about twenty minutes, and is characterized by sleep spindles, which are bursts of brain-wave activity. Stage 3 sleep begins your transition into the deep sleep Stage 4. In both Stage 3 and Stage 4 the brain emits slow delta waves. Stage 4 is your deepest stage of sleep, and consequently you are much harder to awaken. After about forty-five minutes the final stage before they all begin to cycle begins. This stage is the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage, also known as paradoxical sleep. During REM sleep the brain waves become rapid, your breathing becomes irregular, and your heart rate rises. Your eyes will dart around in brief spurts, signaling that you are beginning a dream. REM dreams are the sleeping mind 's hallucinations—some being so vivid and bizarre that they may be confused with reality. While in REM sleep you are essentially paralyzed, as your brainstem blocks all messages from your motor cortex. The first cycle of REM sleep lasts only about ten minutes, and lengthens with each sleep cycle. The cycle will begin to repeat itself, with each cycle lasting about 90 to 100

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