Analysis Of Jack Weatherford's 'A Divided World'

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A Divided World Why does the world not come to agreement on certain topics? Why can 't someone just acknowledge where their opposition is coming from and come to a conclusion? The reason why we can 't understand this simple fact is because people tend to base their beliefs onto others. That is called the "worldview", which the Spanish, English, and Indians had. They believed they could come to agreement because they thought they shared similar ideas. They were wrong and history shows the results of their actions. A new land was swept over and transformed into another "new land" once more. The indigenous nearly wiped. the constant struggles, and infighting brought havoc upon North America. How did this come about? The divergence in religion, …show more content…

In comparison to Mary, the Chumash women were forced to weave blankets or clean laundry all day. In the evening, Spanish soldiers would come into the women 's dorms and proceed to offer food for prostitution. For those who could not handle the harsh living standards, some ran away. Those men and women risk their lives because traversing through the ruthless environment and terrain was no easy task. A key point to remember is that Mary was considered a hostage whereas the Chumash were free people. One would imagine that the Mary and the Chumash should have swapped positions to fit accordingly to their description, but the Indians constantly displayed this camaraderie. The natives greet everyone with the same level of respect as they have for each other. Their hostages have better meals than that of the free people of Chumash, so it sounds as if life would have been joyous had it not been for the increasing hostilities between both sides. Jamestown was also saved by the Indians. Their town would have been wiped out had it not been for the kindness the natives showed to the colonists. Then, there are the townspeople of Jamestown who were desperate enough to start cannibalism and resort to methods comparable to a savage in order to survive. While there could be a possibility that some Indians also resorted to cannibalism out of desperate circumstances, the Indians didn 't move into claimed territory or take advantage of the others. The Puritans, on the other hand, had good intentions from the start and opened their arms to the Indians with the first Thanksgiving. Tensions, however, began to increase as Indians began to become more aggressive as both sides began to raid each other. Eventually it peaked and caused the Pequot War where the Pequot tribe was wiped and scattered. The back-story behind this war was the settler 's ignorance. They

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