The Relationship Between Religion And Religion

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There are several pet peeves that aggravate me when it comes to religion. They are: religion when it comes to “open” discussion, Religion when it comes to argumental debate and Religion when it comes to the modern media.
Religion has always been a touchy subject when it comes to open discussion. It does not matter whether you set ground rules for discussion or not. When the conversations start there is always issues that will arise which could cause someone to get ether offended or to shut themselves off from the conversation because of a difference in opinion or disagreement. When in conversation I notice that I can talk about most topics with a complete stranger but the moment I try to discuss religion a lot of times the conversation ends …show more content…

Whenever someone claiming to be a Christian does something that is wrong by moral standards. The media always twist the story and do not tell the full story about what happened. So the reputation of the group as a whole gets blamed for the actions of one man or woman who “claim” to believe. This is a dangerous thing and can cause issues to arise that if the news was reported correctly would never have come to pass. It also causes false judgements upon anyone claiming to be of the same faith as that person. This is a current problem in the society today with the religion of Islam taking the blame for the terrorist that are causing problems to pursue the agenda that they themselves have not the religion as a whole. Eventually there will be a tipping point and if we cannot control the media than our futures will not be so bright as originally thought.
Overall I have managed to grow mentally throughout the years and have learned to cope with the issues that I have when it comes to religion. Issues in regard to not being able to openly discuss religion, people using it in debate and the media twisting religion to fit their agendas. These issues do not aggravate me as much as they used to but I still consider them a pet-peeve because they still have an influence even though I am used to how the society

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