Managed Care Model

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and the authority such as city council to overcome differences and obstacles, so it can be beneficial to different communities.

2.3 A comprehensive analysis of Managed care and community development agencies Managed care model has the objective of reshaping the delivery of health care from individual or community to a whole system of care. The focus here is more on access and cost. Managed care is known as a comprehensive model, but has a completely different health care approach. This model lines more on allopathic care. It is evident that managed care model, allopathic medicine is exclusively the focus. Consequently, doctors often lack the in-depth understanding of the holistic part. Managed care ignores the horizontal integration, which …show more content…

The outreach franchise and polyclinic model bring everyone including the patient together through their teamwork approach in medical practice. Whereas extended general practice and Managed care approach are different. Extended model brings private general practitioners and other healthcare professionals such as nurses together under the umbrella of PBC to provide a wide array of competence, expertise, and skills for a comprehensive care in hospitals, and community based settings. Conversely, Managed care’s objective is to reshape the delivery of health care from individual or community to a whole system of care. The outreach model has the advantage since providers work together to deliver coordinated care from primary, secondary to tertiary care, but authors believe that having a disease- focused model will overshadow the cause and this may not attain the main focus of Alma Ata …show more content…

This model is used in many developed countries, but people believe that the cost is not improving. MCO focuses on allopathic medicine, the access and cost of health care services. However, it hasn’t convinced people in its overall efficiency. Managed care ignores horizontal integration which I believe could be an efficient community tool on prevention and wellness. But, extended general practice model would provide a comprehensive high level of care; this is a value base model extended from hospital to residential team-building workshops but the other two are not. Their organizational commitment to expand and educate the primary care team in multidimensional plan of health including primary care and research could reform the system for providing efficient care

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