A Comparison of Freire and Brickman

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Paulo R. N. Freire and William W. Brickman, two prominent educators of the 20th Century, became controversial figures as a result of their principles and practices. Their respective biographies are dissimilar, and yet bear some similarities. They were champions for the causes in which they believed and paid the price for having acted in accordance with those beliefs. The influences that were brought to bear upon each man early in his life foreshadowed the future development of his philosophy in later life.

Paulo Freire was born to a prosperous Brazilian banker in 1921. The exigencies of the Great Depression forced the family to relocate from the urban home to the countryside. From his new vantage point, young Freire was able to observe the world of impoverished rural Brazil. This new environment made an indelible impression on Freire. (Flanagan, 2005)

Brickman, in contrast, was born in 1913 to a poor Jewish family in one of New York’s most poverty-stricken areas. In this urban setting, he witnessed firsthand the difficult conditions of deprivation that characterized many urban neighborhoods. More significantly, for his life and work, he contemplated on a personal level the functioning of a multiethnic neighborhood during his early years. (Silova & Brehm, 2010)

Brickman’s contributions were primarily in the area of comparative education. In addition to being a prodigious author, he edited academic journals, taught university classes, organized educational trips abroad, developed a philosophy of comparative education, and was president of the Comparative Education Society, which he worked to found. He consistently advocated the concept of academic freedom in his teaching and editing. (Silova & Brehm, 2010)


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... endeavors would have been profoundly altered. Brickman and Freire died in their seventies faithful to the principles that were fostered by their youthful encounters and undeterred by the opposition to their ideologies.

Works Cited

Flanagan, F. M. (2005). Paulo Freire (1921–1997): Education for freedom. In Greatest educators ever [ebrary Reader version]. Retrieved from http://site.ebrary.com/lib/ncent/docDetail.action?docID=10250946&p00

Gorder, A. V. (2007). Pedagogy for the children of the oppressors:. Journal Of Transformative Education, 5(1), 8-32. doi:10.1177/1541344607299854

Lownd, P. (n.d.). A short biography of Paulo Friere. Paulo Freire Institute. Retrieved from http://www.paulofreireinstitute.org/

Silova, I., & Brehm, W. C. (2010, Summer). For the Love of Knowledge. European Education, 42(2), 17-36. doi:10.2753/EUE1056-4934420202

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