Analysis Of A Colorado Conversation On Guns On Campus

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The "A Colorado Conversation on Guns on Campus” and “Guns on Campus: Overview,” are based on the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) reports; mostly focused on the struggles of dealing with gun violence through legislations and acknowledging the existing boundaries place by the US Supreme Court, which limits policy makers and states from going beyond Federal Laws in term of guns related laws. However, "A Colorado Conversation on Guns on Campus," overview leaned toward July 2012 James Holmes movie theater shooting in Colorado. It pointed to a Colorado Representative Clair Levy’s intent to prohibit concealed weapons in classrooms due to the danger of guns being present in the mist of heated intellectual and explosive exchanges on …show more content…

On the scales, both articles, presented reasonable data, citing research by the CDC, Justice Department, Harvard School of Public Health, Chronicle of Higher Education, Department of Education, IACLEA and the FBI; among the organizations that warned against arming students at their respective campuses. Both articles highlights the immaturity of students in college and their lack of experiences in handling life situations; and warned that if guns are couple with drugs addictions, alcoholism, poor implosive judgements and stressors, the campuses will become places of carnage with higher crime rates in America. Both articles inserted the efforts of law enforcement agencies to deter the permission of guns on college campuses and claim that in the mist of gun violence in America, school grounds are the safest compared to crime in other …show more content…

With regards to personal observations as a student in college and the evidences obtained during research on guns in the hands of students in college, the dangers out weight self-defense by far; this wee list from many findings is a visible indicator of the possible rise of crimes in event of guns being introduced on campus: • January 2013, a St. Louis, Missouri: Stevens Institute of Business and Arts student shot an administrator and turned the gun on himself. • In Houston Taxes in January 2013, Lone Star College 's North Harris Campus, three students are wounded in an altercation outside the library that descended into

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