Air Force: The Military Force

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My gate changed and I run across the airport to get to the new one in time. As I pass the gate next to mine, I see a man in uniform sitting by his family. I politely walk over, greet him, and shake his hand as I say “Thank you for serving our country.” He thanks me as his eyes tear up. Sitting on the plane later, I realize he must have been about to be deployed, and leave his family. When I see a person in military uniform, I make it a point to look them in the eye, and thank them as I shake their hand. It’s a tradition for myself that I started about six years ago because I cannot go into the military due to my asthma. When I fly across the country to visit my dad, I keep an eye out for the iconic military camouflage outfit. I do this not only to thank and support these people, but as a sort of tribute to my grandfather who inspired the idea. My paternal grandfather was a major in the US Air Force. Although I have never met him, I got to know him through the stories that my grandmother and f...

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