A Case for Abortion

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Going to college should be a great and enjoyable experience, but for one young lady it became her nightmare. Walking back from the Delta Sigma party she was stopped by the starting quarterback, shocked by the fact that he had approached her she invited him back to her room. While in the room their flirtation mood turned into something more, while he tried to force his way on to her she fought back. He then stuck her and she gave up the struggle; maliciously he began to rape her after the brutal attack he left. Then six weeks later she found out she was pregnant. Many people believe aborting a fetus is wrong; however, the termination of a pregnancy is the women right and her choice.
An abortion is the purposeful termination of a pregnancy. Throughout the history of the United State, women have obtained an abortion. The abortion procedure has not always been legal. Connecticut was the first state to criminalize abortion, in 1821. During the period of time in which the process was illegal millions of women sought to have the procedure done in secret. Many women during this era employed the help of herbs and other plants to remove their “menstrual blockage.” Enslaved African used the abortion process to resist slavery itself because without children the slave trade would become nonexistent. For women who found midwives or physicians probably had very few complications or deaths. As expected during the Great Depression, hundreds of women could not afford an abortion, the poor and women without information continued to turn to self-induced abortions. The groundbreaking, 1973 Supreme Court of Roe v. Wade, marked a turning point in the court’s decision about abortion. Since that amazing decision millions of women are now able to obtain...

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Solinger, Rickie. “Abortion.” Reader’s Companion to U.S. Women’s History. 3-7. US: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 1998. History Reference Center. Web. 20. 2014.
Nancy E. Adler; Henry P. David; Brenda N. Major; Susan H. Roth; Nancy F. Russo; Gail E. Wyatt
Science, New Series Vol. 248, No. 4951. (Apr.6, 1990), pp.41-44.
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Nelson, Joan. Abortion. San Diego: Lucent Books Inc., 1992. Print.
Bruno, Leone. The Abortion Controversy. San Diego: Greenhaven Press Inc., 1995. Print.

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