A Career as an Emergency Physician

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An emergency physician usually works as a team with nurses and other physicians at a hospital based setting such as an emergency department or a trauma center. An emergency physician has to know all the body systems and how each of them work. They have to know how to triage and how to do it quickly. Also they have to have a wide range of medical knowledge for every age, because vital signs are different from age to age and injuries will affect people differently as well based on their age. For example if a baby got it’s arm cut off, they will bleed out very quickly, where as an adult would also bleed out quickly but not as fast because an adults blood volume is about 5 liter and a baby’s blood volume is about 78 ml and a baby is also more susceptible to infections, because their immune system isn't as developed. The main duties in their job is to perform advanced life support and to stabilize patients with life threatening injuries similar to a paramedic but an emergency physicians scope of practice is much broader. For an emergency physician to stabilize a patient it can require a wide variety of procedures from performing a cesarean section to emergency thoracotomies which is a procedure done to open the chest cavity to expose the heart, lungs, esophagus and diaphragm that can be done in order to stop bleeding in the heart due to trauma, Perform cardiac compressions and to relieve cardiac tamponade. Some of the more common things they are required to do are soft tissue repairs such as basic suturing, use of staples and glue, local anesthesia and regional nerve blocks. Also they may have to do ophthalmologic repairs such as a slit lamp exam used to examine the eye with a microscope to locate diseases, also the use of a tonometer ... ... middle of paper ... ...ding. Also I enjoy having the pressure that they are only going to live if you treat them correctly and quickly. I like challenging myself, because once I’m successful it makes me feel very proud of myself that I’m doing something right and it’s also at the same time something I love to do. Also I like to learn new things especially things I’m interested in like medicine and there is always new things to learn in that field in fact you are required to have continuing education every year and renew your license every two years so there is always exciting things to learn about. Also I enjoy working with people, the sicker the better, but I really like people, because everybody is different and has their own story to tell you. A lot of people complain about their job but I know that’s not going to be me, because I know for a fact that I will love my job very much.

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