Women's Goals And Goals Of The Millennium Development Goals

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In 2000, the United Nations Secretary General proposed a plan to address many of the issues in the developing world. It was comprised of 8 goals, each with a set of distinct targets, called the Millennium Development Goals (55). These goals can be related to Neo-Malthusian views of population growth. Goal 1 was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, and had three specific targets. Target 2 was to increase access to decent and productive employment, especially for women who are usually excluded in this respect, and this represents the view of overcoming population growth through empowerment and development of women. This target was met in Eastern Asia, however, for Western Asia, Caucasus and Central Asia, there was poor progress or deterioration …show more content…

The first target of achieving equal girl 's enrolment in primary school was met by Eastern, South Eastern and Southern Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Caucasus and Central Asia (88). Target 2 of goal 3 was to increase women 's share of paid employment, and this target was met by Eastern Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Caucasus and Central …show more content…

It has also been found that woman with skilled jobs are 1.5 times more likely to use contraception than those not employed (70), and woman with high level jobs have less children across all ages than women who are unemployed (70)(72). Goal 2 was to achieve universal primary education (88), and is therefore strongly related to the woman and development view of neo-Malthusians. One study showed than when comparing primary educated woman to non-educated woman, primary education women had 17% less children (67). In addition, primary education can enable further education and empowerment of women through education has also been shown to be inversely related to the number of children born (73). Educated women are more likely to use contraception, have greater influence over fertility choices, have lower fertility preferences and engage in child space more than women with little or no education (67). Women who had secondary or higher education are found to have less children than woman with no education

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