The Cultural And Historical Differences Of Luxembourg And Luxembourg

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Landlocked by Belgium from NW, by Germany from NE and By France from the south Luxembourg is a small but strategically important country in Europe. The historical accounts of Luxembourg are no different then its other EU counterparts. The wars and invasions have affected Luxembourg as much as they have affected the other countries.

Central Intelligence Agency, Panel. “Luxembourg”. 15 September 2015.

Luxembourg is a country that has a lot in common to that in the United States. The cultural and religious diversity has played a major part in the present as well in the historical prospective. Both were Dutch Colonies, however, United States was majorly ruled by the British. The United States …show more content…

Even tough, the catholic is a religion, but it has evolved to be a culture that is practiced in the Luxembourg and the Catholics in the United States, regardless of a distance in two countries the both catholic populations share the same dictating authority and recognize the Vatican …show more content…

Although, the people following Catholic faith in both countries recognize the guidelines of the Vatican, in many issues Catholics in the European countries didn’t wait for the Vatican verdict but felt more agreeable with the civil laws. One good example could be the same-sex marriage act. In Luxembourg a majority Catholic country the same-sex marriage law was passed before the Vatican could take a position on it.
A recent survey done by the PEW research center also found that the American Catholics viewed European Catholics as not as conservative as the Americans.

1- George Murdock was an American born anthropologist, his work on the study of cultures contributed major concepts to the study of humanities in relation to their ways of lives.

“anthropology” University of Alabama. Department of anthropology, 2009. Web. 23 Sep 2015

2- George Murdock’s concept of “Cultural Universal” focused on many aspects of what people lived by, these concepts included religion, rituals, arts, laws etc. In fact cultural universal covers everything that people lived by, furthermore, it also elaborated finding similarities and differences in the cross-cultural

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