Persuasive Essay On Anorexia

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“When I see someone who is [hungry], they don’t look alert. They don’t have boundless energy. If you’re too skinny, it looks like you’re near death” (Kristie Alley). When I see “Anorexia, you starve yourself. Bulimia, you binge and purge. You eat huge amounts of food until you’re sick and then throw up. And anorexia, you just deny yourself. It’s about control” (Tracey Gold). A child name Katie Metcalfe suffered from anorexia and writes, “Nothing in my life seemed to be right. I started to think that perhaps if I lost some weight… things would change for the better. I assumed that thin people had fantastic lives and I could too.” Many people in this world do have a problem, but yet, that can be fix. Many people in this world have a disorder …show more content…

Starvation mode is a term that is widely known as survival mode in staying alive that the body goes through, which your thyroid glands become active in the process. This means that when food is not accommodated for a long period, the thyroid glands become responsive and will start to modify its rate of digestion so that the body can survive without food. Going into the process of starvation mode, the person puts their body at risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition is a commonly appointed towards anorexic people. Being malnourish will soon lead to unexpected death, because the body isn’t consuming its needed nutrients for …show more content…

By being bulimic, a person can usually start off my binge-eating then purging. Binge-eating is defined by “consuming a larger amount of food than most people would eat during the same time period (potentially thousands of calories) within a short period of time (typically 2 hours or less)” (NAANA, 2014, Curtis). It is fast, easy, and simple. This seems to be more satisfying than starving yourself to death, but is still considered a health issue. It is subjective to being an eating disorder because the person is able to devour as much as they want without no limits. In consuming large amounts, the person can feast to fulfill their emotional happiness. This is considered binge-eating. There are always alternatives to accomplish happiness and this right here isn’t one. Once the person is excessively full, he or she can start to purge. Purging “is a way to compensate for binging. Purge behaviors come in many forms: vomiting, taking laxatives or water pills, or excessive exercise” (NAANA, 2014, Curtis). In doing this, the person can relieve or undo what he or she has been eating. In overly feeding the stomach, the food will start to move back up through the esophagus and out the mouth. The food that was once ingest is now expelled from the body. The side effects from binge-eating to purging (forcing the body to vomit), you are simply dehydrating the body due to loss of fluid and burning the esophagus. The burning of the esophagus occurs when the

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