The Fourth Of July By Audre Lorde Analysis

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The story “The Fourth of July” by Audre Lorde demonstrates that she comes across a realization that she had to speak up for her rights and independence when she visited the capital city of the United States, Washington, D.C. Lorde explains how she was frustrated with the situation that occurred in Washington, D.C., which shows that she had learned the reality of the society. She writes about many things that she came across during the trip to Washington D.C. in the summer vacation. In the essay, the meanings of independence for Lorde are to fight for it and to speak up for the rights that they deserve. Lorde and her family visit many places in the capital city where they were told to leave the place because black people were not allowed there. …show more content…

Therefore, it shows that Lorde has to stand up for herself in order to go to the dining car. The essay reflects on when Lorde and her family visit a store, they were told to leave the store which made them feel excluded from the crowd. The author writes, “My mother and father believed that they could best protect their children from the realities of race in America and the fact of the American racism by never giving them name, much less discussing their nature. We were told we must never trust white people, but why was never explained, nor the nature of their ill will” (Lorde, 240). The quote explains that Lorde’s parents thought they can protect their child in United States from the racism, however, they had to go through it and face racism in their daily life. This shows that her parents were aware of racism, which they might have to stand up for their rights, but they did not take the stand for themselves as well as their child. Therefore, her parents guided them to stay away from white people. This tells readers that Lorde has to fight for the independence that she deserves along with going against her …show more content…

Lorde decides to take a step toward making a change for her as well as other people. The author writes, “I was left to write my angry letter to the president of the United States all by myself, although my father did promise I could type it out on the office typewriter next week, after I showed it to him in my copybook diary” (Lorde, 242). The quote describes how Lorde decides to write a letter to the president by herself because her father would not help her to write a letter. Though he gives permission to Lorde to use the typewriter from the office. It shows how her parents were not willing to support Lorde to take a stand in the society for their freedom, their independence. Although, her father shows the support by giving her the permission to use the office typewriter. Moreover, It refers that Lorde has to convince her parents to let her fight for the independence before fighting to the society. It concludes that the meanings of independence for Lorde are to stand up for herself and fight for her rights, the independence that she

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