How The Aboriginal Assimilation

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The Assimilation of Aboriginal Canadians “To kill the Indian in the child,” was the prime objective of residential schools (“About the Commission”). With the establishment of residential schools in the 1880s, attending these educational facilities used to be an option (Miller, “Residential Schools”). However, it was not until the government’s time consuming attempts of annihilating the Aboriginal Canadians that, in 1920, residential schools became the new solution to the “Indian problem.” (PMC) From 1920 to 1996, around one hundred fifty thousand Aboriginal Canadians were forcibly removed from their homes to attend residential schools (CBC News). Aboriginal children were isolated from their parents and their communities to rid them of any cultural influence (Miller, “Residential Schools”). Parents who refrained from sending their children to these educational facilities faced the consequence of being arrested (Miller, “Residential Schools”). Upon the Aboriginal children’s arrival into the residential schools, they were stripped of their culture in the government’s attempt to assimilate these children into the predominately white religion, Christianity, and to transition them into the moderating society (Miller, “Residential Schools”). With the closing of residential schools in 1996, these educational facilities left Aboriginal Canadians with lasting negative intergenerational impacts (Miller, “Residential Schools”). The Aboriginals lost their identity, are affected economically, and suffer socially from their experiences. To begin with, once the policy of assimilation came into effect, Aboriginals were subject to a new environment, resulting in the loss of their culture. It is due to this, that the rates of suicide for First Na... ... middle of paper ... ...ling Gregory. “Aboriginal People Resilience and the Residential School Legacy. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2003. Print. “Infographic: Aboriginal Poverty.” Why Poverty? TVO. Web. July 16, 2014. . “The History of Indian Residential Schools and the Church’s Apologies.” The United Church of Canada. June 4, 2007. Web. July 17, 2014. . “What is a residential school?” CBC News. May 16, 2008. Web. July 16, 2014. . Why am I Poor? First Nations Child Poverty in Ontario. Canada: Best Start Resource Center, 2012. Web. “The Purpose of Residential Schools.” Residential Schools. Web. July 14, 2014. .

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