Gender Characters In Food Network And Cooking Shows

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Cooking shows are great entertainment for food lovers, but these shows often display two types of culinary personas: the female home cook and the male chef. Although more women are being recognized in the world of professional cooking and more men are cooking at home, there is still a portrayal of women in the home kitchen and men in the restaurants on popular cooking shows. Food Network and Cooking Channel are the two largest cooking networks and displays the greatest number of food personalities. By examining the different gender persona of the hosts on Food Network and Cooking Channel shows, this study aims to see if there are any divergence to the traditional feminine and masculine culinary persona. Literature Review Gender is a defining …show more content…

This statement by Druckman portrays the belief that women cook for the emotional experience while men cook for the technical experience. Research conducted by Marjorie DeVault (1991) suggests wives and mothers cook as a way to show their love to their family. Similarly, research by Cairns, Johnston, and Baumann (2010) discusses women’s emotional responses to cooking for their family and friends. Both studies highlight the emotion and nurture women feel as they cook for others. The studies’ discussion about the nurturing aspect of cooking demonstrates the traditional feminine belief that women cook in order to nurture their families as discussed by Friedan (1963) and Hochschild …show more content…

In order to get a greater sense of the food personality attributes, three episodes from each show’s current season were analyzed to examine the personalities’ mannerisms and culinary identity. These attributes and characteristics were coded and analyzed (see Table 2). Content analysis started with cursory examination of the television episodes. I posed two questions during my initial examinations: how do these culinary personalities present themselves as experts in either the domestic or public spheres, and how do these presentations adhere or diverge from the earlier outlined gender culinary stereotypes. This meant looking at the theme of the shows, setting, the appearance and mannerisms of the culinary personalities, and how well these shows convey the tone of the network. While watching, I took note of any personal anecdotes or memories given while the food was being

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