Dalton State Of Mind Concert Essay

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The concert that I attended was “A Dalton State of Mind” concert that was held on the main campus of Dalton State College. I am not sure what the exact type of concert this would be classified as, but I would classify this concert as a mixture of different clubs/ groups of local and campus talent merged together. The concert was originally supposed to be performed at the quad, but due to the uncertainty of the weather the concert was moved inside of the gymnasium. Since the concert was moved into the gymnasium the sound was unpleasant and sometimes hard to hear. The reason for this was because the performers were confined into a small space, and the sound waves bounced off of all the walls. In turn the sound was not able to travel up to where Although there were mainly college students in attendance there were also a vast amount of family and friends of the performers. This concert consisted of a wide range of music from military, British, and recreational music. The purpose of this concert was for locals from our surrounding area to come visit the college and show off their lovely talent for the students and staff of Dalton State College. All the groups performing were very professional and showed a great deal of respect for the other performers during their performances. On each performer 's face the audience could see the passion and hard work that the performers put into the work they do. The two musical elements I enjoyed were the melody and the timbre of the songs played at the concert. Each song had a distinct melody and when combined with the timbre of the different instruments made for a great concert. At certain moments the songs would become softer in sound when the flutes began to play and then became loud in sound when the tubas began. This indicated to me as the listener a change in the emotion of the song. So with the different melodies of songs and timbres of songs, the songs become like an up and down roller coaster ride. Although I am not a fan of roller coasters, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride that concert brought on that

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