Alkyne Groups

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The goal of this lab is to exemplify a standard method for making alkyne groups in two main steps: adding bromine to alkene groups, and followed by heating the product with a strong base to eliminate H and Br from C. Then, in order to purify the product obtained, recrystallization method is used with ethanol and water. Lastly, the melting point and IR spectrum are used to determine the purity of diphenylacetylene. This experiment was divided into two main steps. The first step was the addition of bromine to trans-stilbene. Trans-stilbene was weighted out 2.00g, 0.0111mol and mixed with 40ml of glacial acetic acid in 100ml Erlenmeyer flask on a hot bath. Pyridinium hydrobromide perbromide of 4.00g, 0.0125mol was added carefully into the flask. …show more content…

A weak peak was at a position between 1600-1620 cm-1 can also be seem in the IR, which was likely to be aromatic C=C functional group that was from two benzene rings attached to alkynes. On the other hand, the IR spectrum of the experimental diphenylacetylene resulted in 4 peaks. The first peak was strong and broad at the position of 3359.26 cm-1, which was most likely to be OH bond. The OH bond appeared in the spectrum because of the residue left from ethanol that was used to clean the product at the end of recrystallization process. It might also be from the water that was trapped in the crystal since the solution was put in ice bath during the recrystallization process. The second peak was weak, but sharp. It was at the position of 3062.93 cm-1, which indicated that C-H (sp2) was presence in the compound. The group was likely from the C-H bonds in the benzene ring attached to the alkyne. The remaining peaks were weak and at positions of 1637.48 and 1599.15 cm-1, respectively. This showed that the compound had aromatic C=C function groups, which was from the benzene rings. Overall, by looking at the functional groups presented in the compound, one can assume that the compound consisted of diphenylacetelene and ethanol or

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