Year-Round Schooling Offers Many Benefits

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Have you ever began a book only to find that after a few chapters into it a more important task comes up that must be given attention to and you don’t make it back to the book for some time. The ensuing matter has been taken care of and now it is time to finish that novel that thought was so great you just couldn’t put it down but, where did you exactly leave off and what character are doing what now? Often it is required to skim a few previous chapters to get a sense of what is going on to give the full focus to the new events taking place. As the summer ends, the leaves begin to change and our school children return to the classroom to begin this very similar task. Instead of rereading a few pages, teachers must review with every student were they are scholastically and every student is very different. Almost a month into the new school year last year’s material is covered and reviewed. Our traditional school calendar may be to blame for our failing schools systems. Can schools attending year round with smaller gaps of time off from learning benefit the student learners? Better retention of material, higher graduation with college enrollment increases and safer downtime alternatives are a few reasons why the traditional education plan should be done away with. Attending a year round school will help students retain the information they are taught with greater ease due to the shortness in breaks between times they attend school. An Indianapolis fourth-grade school teacher says, “In this calendar, my goodness, (it takes) two weeks at most.”, referring to the six weeks it normally takes to review the previous year’s lesson to get the students up to speed from the summer break (Johnson). If you are to add twenty days to t... ... middle of paper ... ...on what they have learned by attending more days in school but not getting burned out on a traditional nine month school schedule. A few short breaks allows the mind to rest but not forget everything they have worked hard to achieve educational greatness. American society will achieve great things if the education system takes a step in all schools operating on a year round calendar. Works Cited Barber, R. Jerry. "Year-Round Schooling Really Works." Education Digest 62.2 (1996): 31. web. Dessoff, Alan. "Is Year-Round Schooling on Track?" District Administration (2011): 34-36,40,45. Print. Eliot Shapleigh. El Paso Factbook. Economic. El Paso, 2005. Print. Holden, Diana. "CNN." 9 Febuary 2010. Fact Check: The cost of obesity. web. 19 January 2012. Johnson, M. Alex. "MSNBC." 27 October 2010. Year-round school gains ground around U.S. web. 20 January 2012.

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