Year-Round Education: A Better Plan

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The traditional school calendar has been used for numerous years to educate children in the United States and other countries as well. It has been traditionally that children have to go to school for 180 days, starting in August and ending in May, and have a summer vacation for the remaining three months. However, this traditional calendar has some defects that obstruct the learning of children. For this reason, a plan for the implementation of a year-round education has started. With this new plan the pause in school for three months will be reduced, the capacity of school buildings will increase, parents will not have to worry about who will take care of their children for three long month and it will be beneficial for children with low income as well.

However, some impediments to adopt the year-round education plan arose. When it was first presented 30% of the community was in favor, 40% percent were undecided and the remaining 30 was strongly against it. The people who opposed to this plan argued that for some parents vacation on summer was necessary because they worked during the school year and needed to spend time with their families. Another was the disruption of summer camps, and the student employment, in which the traditional school calendar does not interfere.

In the now traditional school calendar children receive a three-month vacation from school, which results in most cases that children forget plenty of information they had learned the past year. So when they arrive back to school, teachers tend to spend up to three or four weeks reviewing and consequently lose time to learn something new. The National Association for Year-Round Education made a research that proved that students with low income made simil...

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...f three months to rest from school, this is not good for students who most of the time forget a large quantity of information they learned the past year and return to school to review what they have already seen. For this reason, the year-round education calendar is a better option for schools and for students as well. This new plan prevents students from forgetting information by making the three-month vacations into shorter but more breaks along the year. It, additionally, helps children with parents who have low income and increases the school building capacity to enroll more students per year.

Works Cited

Huebner, Tracy A. "Year-Round Schooling." Educational Leadership 67.7 (2010): 83-84. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2012.

“Year-Round Education.” State Web. 5 Mar. 2012.

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