Women Before, During and After World War One

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Women Before, During and After World War One 1. Pre war women did have working opportunities though very little compared to men, as they were seen as weaker and that their place was in the "home". Their employment was limited to the domestic service (cleaning or working as a servant) and secretarial work and not manual labour in factories or working class women often worked in the textiles industry. Women were lower paid and were restricted to do less skilled work, as they were considered incompetent. Working class women also worked in the "sweated" trades producing hats and constructing dresses. Since 1880's new technology such as telephone's and typewriters changed women's jobs as women were used to type and answer the phone's. Some middle class women had professions such as teachers, as in Scotland 60% of teachers were women and they even became doctors due to many middle class women having an education, though these occupations were frowned on by many. At this time around 29% of women were in some kind of employment. Women were expected to run the home and wear long skirts and not to do things that men did e.g. smoke and drink this shows that, people's view of women and how they were meant to behave influenced their employment opportunities. 2. By 1915 war had broken out and many men had gone to fight, and this was the first time women had been given the chance to do manual labour. At the out break of war only volunteers left for war and many men were left to still do the work and women were could only knit garments for the troops and fund raise to help the war effort. On 17th July 1915 Christabel Pankhurst organised... ... middle of paper ... ...iewed themselves. Pre war women were regarded as second class citizens by many; they were seen as weak compared to men. Some women protested (the suffragettes) to change the way men regarded them and for the right to vote. During the war women became increasingly important to the war effort due to the mass of volunteers of men and later conscription to the armed forces. By the end of the war the men came home and things took a backward step though some progress was made. In 1919 the government passed the " sex disqualification act, allowing women into a number of professions; barristers, solicitors, auctioneers, surveyors, architects, judges and serve on a jury which were forbidden for women to do before the war. Women now believed that they could and should be able to do what men do and were not second class citizens.

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