Words Do Hurt

542 Words2 Pages

I hate you. You are so ugly. Why would someone like you have been born? You will never amount to anything. You are not good enough. Nobody will ever love you. You’re so bad at that. Why don’t you just do yourself a favour and stop trying. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Nothing could be further from the truth.

I find words incredibly odd. They’re just random consonants and vowels strung together, pronounced in certain ways to give them meaning. But how is it possible that these simple, strange things that are so beautiful and delicate are used in such destructive ways? How is it that formations of letters that were once used with such care are now flung around without anyone thinking about what they mean? We have become so good at using words to get what we want, for manipulation, control and power.

Dr Louann Brizendine, a professor of psychiatry at the University of California wrote in the book “The Female Brain” that a woman uses about 20 000 words every day, while a man uses about 7 000. You have to wonder how many of those words are positiv...

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