Women and Social Change: The Wild and Roaring Twenties

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The Wild and Roaring Twenties

The roaring twenties, also known as the Jazz Age or the Golden Twenties, was a time of dramatic social changes, lifestyle changes, and changes in culture that took place in the United States, the United Kingdom, and in Canada. Women began to demand equal rights as the wealth of these nations doubled. Some of the many social changes included the women getting their hair cut short, in a bob-like style, by male barbers. The women also began to wear shorter skirts, as well as skimpy beachwear. The dramatic change in clothes caused some to be arrested for too much exposure of their skin. Many of the women who were involved in this rebellious movement were known as flappers (pbs).
During this time, the young, rebellious, daring women were known as flappers(Ellis, Elizabeth. Esler, Anthony). The rebellious women went to all-night parties and danced to new dances called the Fox Trot, the Waltz, and the American Tango. Women also began holding men’s hands in public without wearing gloves, as was the custom, and smoked in public (history.com). The mothers of the women of this age formed an Anti-Flirt League to act against their daughters’ scandalous actions. Even so, the daughters did not listen and were called the generation of those who “do their own thing.” The people of this time also became much more daring than those of other times. They would have dance parties that lasted until everyone dropped from tiredness, called marathon dances, and they would strap themselves to the wings of planes, flying with the planes until the planes landed. Women would also sit on the top of flag poles for as long as possible (about.com). Many other changes happened during this age and most of those changes h...

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...the people of the twenties began to open up and reveal their individuality. Overall, people did more things on the edge, seemed to have more fun, and were more adventurous.

Works Cited
“About the 20th century” About. web. 8 Feb 20
Best of history. 2013. Ed tech teacher Inc. web. 8 Feb 2014
Clower Ann. Personal interview. 17 Feb 2014
Ellis, Elizabeth and Anthony Esler. The modern history.2013.book.16 Feb 2014
“History about the twenties.” History. 1996-2014. A&E television network, LLC.web. 8 Feb 2014
“The jazz age " PBS. Web. 12 Feb 2014.< http://www.pbs.org/wghh/amex/monkeytrial/people events/e jazz age.html>
“The jazz age.” 2014. Web. 12 Feb 2014.< http://historylearning site.com.uk/1920s_american.htlm>
“The young generation.” Teenspot. 2014. Web. 12 Feb 2014
“20s.” boundless. 2013. Boundless. Web. 8 Feb 2014

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