Woman's Life of Slavery in Toni Morrison’s book Beloved

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Toni Morrison’s book “Beloved” is a true story based on a woman in the slave life. This book demonstrates the destructive potential of a mother's love and the impossibility of the former slaves ever forgetting their experiences in segregation.
In SIRS Renaissance, Toni Morrison’s novel is based on a fugitive slave, Margaret Garner, who had run away with her four small children sometime in 1856 from a plantation in Kentucky, used the Underground Railroad. When her Kentucky owner arrived in Ohio to take Margaret and the four children back, she tried to murder her children and herself. She killed her two year-old daughter and severely injures the remaining three children before she was arrested and jailed. Beloved replays Garner's life by developing full detail to what she felt the Ms. Garner went through and fought deeply to distinguish her true gloomy self. If one was in her position I’m sure that one would make the same decision. Just like Garner, Sethe, is forced to make the same choice. Not only was killing the child painful but the haunting of the house brings more pain and despair on those that live there as well. The daughters of both stories symbolize the horrendous consequences of human enslavement for the choices these young parents had to face. At the end of the day the parents want what they felt was the right thing. They’d rather they live on like that then to see their children suffer.
The mother, Sethe lives in an abandoned home that she calls her own with her only daughter Denver. But unfortunately they aren’t the only beings in the house, for the deceased two year old walks their walls. Paul D, a former lover of the main character Sethe, is disturbed by Denver’s memory of the death of her sister recently named “Belo...

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...ccur under slavery, putting Sethe's act in situation without necessarily accusing it or excusing it.
The structure is incomplete, closely tied to the consciousness of each character and weaving suddenly between past and future. More time is spent describing past events than the action of the current moment, reinforcing the idea of the past lasting and shaping life in the present. The novel is often repetitive, telling the same stories of the past again and again, giving more information with each repetition. All of the characters of the novel, former slaves and the children of former slaves, suffer a troubled relationship to their own past. Their relationships to their past often make it impossible for them to live for the present or plan for the future, and slavery has often damaged the ways that they experience love and think about their own worth as human beings.

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