Elizabeth Quotes From The Crucible

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Elizabeth wakes up in a dank, dark cell. She looks around, wandering where she is. She tries to stand but realizes she is chained to a cold, damp wall.)

Elizabeth: Where am I? How did I get here?

( She thinks hard and tries to remember. When she can't remember, she slumps against the damp wall.)

Elizabeth: I can't remember! I don't know what I did! How long have I been here?

(She gets up and tries to pace the cell but the chains stop her and she falls.)

Elizabeth: Do I have to be chained to this wall?

(After a few hours, the sun starts setting and she hears a whisper, almost inaudible.)

Elizabeth: What is that?

(listening closely, making sure to stop her breathing so she can hear.)

Mercy: Pst! Elizabeth! Over here! (She puts …show more content…

Please, I didn't!

(The man returns with a plate of water and stale bread.)

Man: Here, eat this, witch! You'll need it for tomorrow!

(He put the plate in the center of the cell.)

Man: You'll have to reach it first. (He sneers and leaves the cell, slamming the cell door shut and glaring at the “witch”.)

Elizabeth: Why are you so cruel? I never did harm to you or anyone!
( She looks at the food and tries to scoot towards, but the chains stop her. She lays down, trying to scoot the plate towards her with her boot, but fails. She sobs and looks at the plate again. It was moving towards her on its own!)
Elizabeth: What! No, no, no! Please, stop!

(The man returns, hearing the ruckus that Elizabeth was causing.)

Man: What is going on here?!
(He sees the plate moving on its own and runs to get the witch judge. When they return, the judge sees nothing.)

Man: Sir, the plate was moving on its own; she was making it move! I saw it with my own eyes, I did!

(Another man enters.) I saw it too! She made it move!

Elizabeth: How do you know? You weren't even here!

Witch Judge: Silence, witch! You have no right to speak! (He turns to the man.) What about the other witch? She's probably using magicks …show more content…

As of now, you'll never stop witchcraft! This town and everywhere else is cursed! Ha! Witchcraft will never end!

Witch Judge: Hurry, men! Get her! Stop the witch!

( The other group of men ran to her. One held out the chains while the others tackled Mercy. After she was chained, they carried her to the execution grounds along with Elizabeth, who was already tied to the pyre.)

Witch Judge: Hurry, men! Put her up there quickly! We must rid ourselves of these evil witches and and their evil magicks! Tie her to the pyre and set it on fire!

(After both accused witches were tied to pyre, the men backed up, letting the witch judge say his speech.)

Witch Judge: Ladies and gentlemen, here we have to powerful witches! Today, they shall be rid of once and for all! We can no longer have them working with the devil, bringing evil to our town and country! Look at them; they don't look like witches, do they? Well they are! They cast a spell on the chains and made it drag a good friend of mine away! Now, where is he now? Nowhere to be seen! The witches killed him with their black magicks! I saw it! Now we must burn them along with their evil magicks! Maybe that will show the devil we're willing to fight his evil

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