Wisconsin Gray Wolf

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Wisconsin Gray Wolf
Walking through the forests of northern Wisconsin, one may have the fortune to hear the haunting howl of the gray wolf, rising and falling in the cool air. This majestic predator has long inhabited the wilderness of Wisconsin but was nearly wiped out by human imposed threats. Since the gray wolf’s disappearance from the state, great lengths were dedicated to bringing the wolves back. Through dedication, education, research, and improvements to habitat, the gray wolf once more roams the northern woods of Wisconsin.
The gray wolf has been thought to have inhabited Wisconsin since the last glacier receded, about 10,000 years ago. Prior to European settlement, 3,000 to 5,000 wolves are estimated to have roamed the land, coexisting with the Native Americans and preying on a variety of ungulates. Once Europeans began to arrive in the land that would be known as Wisconsin, the wolves experienced a dramatic ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬decline in population. Settlers, explorers, and trappers changed the native land into farmland and hunted the wolves’ prey to either extirpation or greatly redu...

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