Winston Smith in The Novel 1984 by George Orwell

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“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” Quote from the writer of 1984, George Orwell, who fixes upon the concept that the year 1984, will be governed by totalitarianism. He conveys to the reader a brief overlook on how an Oceania citizen, reacts to a highly demanding party. Winston Smith, the protagonist of the novel, reveals to the reader two different sides of his character; one of which displays loyalty, and the other which questions the power of Big Brother. Thought crime is known to be one of many crimes in Oceania, yet, Winston takes it as the ultimate risk for true democracy. Winston Smith is portrayed to be an undistinguished man, who is highly unlikely to think like any of the of the other common citizens of his society. His everyday struggle to keep from appearing suspicious to Big Brother is inevitable. Big Brother sustains the belief that ignorance is strength, war is peace, and slavery is freedom. Winston, however, has a hard time agreeing with The Party's governing decisions and having to follow their unknown but...

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