Why Students are Not Revising their Work

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Many college students do not revise their writing assignments before they are due. College students are not revising their assignments, so they are not turning in their best work. One in five college students do not revise. Students usually just add more information without moving or deleting any unnecessary details. Many college student do not revise they just reword their writing. However, when college students are revising they have to do more than just reword. When college students are revising they have reread and rewrite. Therefore, college students should revise because they can make important changes to their writing.

When college students make changes to their writing they are revising. Students add, delete and move ideas or sentences they are revising. For instance, when I am revising I make sure I add closing sentences to all of my body paragraphs. In other words, moving and adding ideas help college students organize their thoughts. In addition, students are constantly revising to make their writing better. According to L. Lennie Irvin good writers have to revise because, “polished writing take lots of revision” (5). More simply, if students want to improve their writing they have to revise multiple times. In fact, when students are revising they are constantly adding, moving and deleting information to make their writing flawless. Overall, when college students are revising they make changes to their writing.

Revising is similar to editing, because both steps require college students to examine their writing more than once. When students are revising they have to read their writing again to see if they can make any changes. For instance, when students are revising they add an introduction paragraph and closing sent...

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...d Adult Writers” believe college students should “never fall in love” with anything that was written in their drafts (2). When students are in love with their writing they do not want to remove or change any information they only want to add. All in all, Murray and Sommers believe college student who are revising should disconnect themselves from their writing.

College students, who detach themselves from their writing when they are revising show that they are able to add, delete and move ideas in their writing. Revising allow college student to remove and add information throughout their writing. In addition, revising allow college student to reread their writing to see if any alterations need to be made. Revising is an important step that college students should not overlook. Overall, college students should revise, because it helps students with their writing.

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