What’s the Grade for Home Schools- Pass or Fail?

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“Education is one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.” by Bertrand A. Russell (1872-1970). Thinking about the different opportunities of education and how it has manifested in today’s society, allowing students to gain various learning techniques. In this day and age people are able to cater to each child’s specific needs or wants in the classroom. But just like any other instance, where something can go completely great can have bad outcomes as well. With the topic on education there is the option of homeschooling, public, private and religious based institutions. Each of the institutions offers students different things and can cater to each individual in a different way. This raised my cause for a topic which is more influenced among educators, public or homeschooling. Homeschooling provides students with the opportunity to grow as individual learners.
Looking at the overall outcome and the management of time and money, and then looking at the possibilities of homeschooling might make you think this is the best outcome for your child. Mainly because of the flexibility of time, and the opportunity to achieve certain aspects or education at each child’s leisure. But the negative influences and exposure a child can face and the fact that your child get to receive the individualized approach. With homeschooling being available a child to receive the time and patience that they might need can greatly impact their overall outcome of the educational environment. Also a plus to homeschooling children is the parent having complete control over the content being exposed to their child. The negative things that can be shared in the “regular” school space are vastly different.
The option of homeschooling allow...

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...n, Manno, Gregg)
Overall the completion of school can be done whether in public schools or homeschooled, but that just depends on the needs and response of the student. Understanding that each student is different and need different levels of assistance with complications they might face. Depending on the child’s needs, homeschooling and/or public school can promote or decrease their success and their overall opinion of school in general. Each of the articles expressed the both positive and negative forces and things that can come into effect. Time, patience and understanding is what is incorporated in rather someone is encouraging public education or going with the homeschooling approach. But in the end the choice of education is yours, and the work of your child and their understanding of the topics that will be covered and the amount of time that is necessary.

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