What We Learn: Nature or Nurture

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Biology, or heritability, seems to affect intelligence by about 75 percent. While experience, learning, and environment seems to amount to about 25 percent of intelligence. Though in adulthood heritability can account for more than 80 percent of intelligence. Unfortunately, it is hard to fully determine the full effect of heritability because it is a statistic of a group as a whole and not an individual. If a person had more time dedicated to their experience, learning, and an environment of greater quality the outcome would be significantly different. An Example of this how students in Japan are subject to school for nine to 12 hours a day six days a week, and the budget for their education system is immensely larger than that of the United States since we haven't allowed them to have a large military since World War Two, only about 100,000 forces currently. As a result, Japan's learning environment produces intellectuals of all types in vast numbers that are able to compete in industry globally extremely well in a world dominated by globalization. Culture can affect intelligence by only giving us certain schemas to operate in or by giving us limited amounts of contexts to form our intelligence in. Furthermore, environment seems to play a larger role for intelligence then some studies have shown. An example of this is the Genie case about a 13 year old girl who had little to no social interaction and was tied to a potty seat were she could only move her hands and feet during the day and at night she was put in a straight jacket. Genie's study emphasizes language development, but Genie ended up with severe intellectual disabilities as well. In conclusion, if you take Howard Garner theory on nine types of intelligence into consi... ... middle of paper ... ...owards the psychoanalyst. A psychoanalyst says problems are much deeper than self-actualization and enrichment. Freud's psychodynamic approach to personality says that personality is manifested by unconscious processes and that childhood experiences are of grave magnitude to adult personality. It stress that the unconscious is the most monumental aspect of personality. It further concludes that the personality consists of three parts. The first segment being the id consisting of unconscious drives or the repository of sexual energy that is also called the pleasure principle, as sex for Freud is anything pleasurable. The second part being the ego consisting of the part that deals with reality by abiding by societies parameters also called the reality principle. The third section being the superego which is characterized as the harsh internal judge of our behavior.

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