What is Scientology?

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Through the advancement of science and technology the world has changed from a huge place to a very small one which can be navigated by simply logging in. Computers, the World Wide Web, and Cellular services are just a few of the technologies responsible for this change as billions of people can now access anything under the sun from just about anywhere under the sun. Along with these changes brought on by the technology era, a new religion has begun sweeping the world, and that religion is Scientology. Although Scientology has recently found itself under frequent media and legal scrutiny, many celebrities and public figures have chosen this new religious path over traditional religions, making the frenzy even greater. What is Scientology? Could it be the modern alternative to older, out of date religious beliefs? And more so, why are millions of people all over the world converting at such a quick rate? These questions will be answered as we take a journey into the world of Scientology and the mind of Scientologists.

What is Scientology? According to The Church of Scientology, in their book, “What is Scientology?” It states, “Scientology is [simply] an applied religious philosophy,” created by American philosopher, science fiction writer, and humanitarian, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, or, L. Ron Hubbard (9). After 16 years of research into the human condition Hubbard wrote a manuscript which was at the time entitled “The Original Thesis”, but now published under the title “The Dynamics of Life” or more commonly known as “Dianetics.” It was the hand to hand passing of this manuscript that introduced the world to Hubbard’s theories and prompted an influx of letters to Hubbard requesting more information (125). L. Ron Hub...

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...cientology." Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter July 2006: 8. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Apr. 2011.

Reitman, Janet. "Inside Scientology." Rolling Stone 995 (2006): 55-67. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Apr. 2011.

The Church of Scientology. “Glossary of Scientology and Dianetics Terms.” What is Scientology? N.D. Web. 22 April 2011.

The Church of Scientology. Theology and Practice of a Contemporary Religion. Los Angeles: Bridge Pub, 1998. Print.

The Church of Scientology. What is Scientology? Los Angeles: Bridge Pub, 1992. Print.

Vaughn McCall, W. "Psychiatry and Psychology in the Writings of L. Ron Hubbard." Journal of Religion & Health 46.3 (2007): 437-447. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Apr. 2011.

Wright, Lawrence. "The Apostate." New Yorker 87.1 (2011): 84-111. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Apr. 2011.

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