What is Popular is Not Always Right

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A virulent plague cascaded over the entire student body, engulfing their minds to the point where there was no sense of logic left in their noggins. This viral pandemic festered in the homes of nearly the entire populace, and by now it was unstoppable. Caressing the feet of many, the atrocious shoe brand “Crocs" took its toll and won the admiration of the ignorant. Little did these children know about the nasty cases of foot fungus it would cause. Yet, a boy by the name of Cornelius would be darned to allow this obnoxious trend get the best of him, for he too was once a victim. He, along with a few others, formed a commune in which they discussed the wretched trend that had swept across the student populace. With all their will power, they would spread the word of their opposition towards the status quo; and in order to carry out their message they printed articles and leaflets to educate the entire student body. In relation to the mid 1800’s, a great spur of philosophical debate of Russia’s social problems took place, regarding whether Western European ideology, gained from German philosophers should be imitated. All the while, Fyodor Dostoevsky, then a radical socialist rebel, was secretly engaging in communes pertaining to the opposition of Tsar Nicholas I. However, his opinion dramatically shifted when he faced a mock execution which granted him redemption; his gift from God. The Western ideologies he once religiously followed were now shadows of his past. The once atheist man redeemed himself as a faithful Christian. Throughout this journey he embarked upon is allegorized in his novel, Crime and Punishment, in which Dostoevsky illustrates the negative repercussions of western ideals, in order to prove that such ideals must be...

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... of Lebeziatnikov. Lebeziatnikov’s socialist and nihilistic ideals represent exactly what Dostoevsky rejected and the portrayal of his idiotic character is utilized to negate the western ideals of Marxism and nihilism.

Dostoevsky illustrates the negative repercussions of western ideals, thus negating the status quo of the 19th Century Russia in order to prove that such ideals must be eradicated through his novel Crime and Punishment. As Cornelius rebelled against the atrocious trend of the eye piercing Crocs, Dostoevsky strongly negated the Western ideals of utilitarianism, the Ubermench Theory, nihilism, and Marxism. Dostoevsky’s allegorized the events occurring in Russia in the mid 1800’s within Crime and Punishment to better explain the harmful effects of accepting these common philosophies to his fellow peers. Therefore, what is popular is not always right.

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