What is a State?

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Max Weber, a forefather of modern science, created the modern definition of a state. Weber believed that a state was a, “community that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.” The state creates a legitimate means for the use of force, or the right to use violence within the state or to another state. Very simply put it is the domination of men over men by legitimate means. From this concept, Weber determined politics to be the striving to share power or influence the distribution of power with a state or among groups within a state. This is a good point especially when one considers how a political official has a great deal of influence on how power is distributed throughout a government. In order for those in a position of power, such as political officials, there must be a just cause by which the dominated submit themselves to authority (Weber 1958). Weber explains that there are three different types of legitimized authority. The first authority that Weber describes is the authority is rooted in the ancient ritual and tradition to conform to the principle authority of forefathers (Weber 1958). This is exemplified in the form of patriarchy and an inherited authority. England is an exceptional example of this because while many European nations had monarchy authority in their history, England still recognizes the royal bloodline and has a monarchy. While the position of the monarchy within the government has changed from commander and chief to the chief of state, England holds onto this authority by which they legitimize their state. The second form of authority, Weber refers to as “gift of grace”. The concept of this authority is that the legitimacy comes from a certainty in a re... ... middle of paper ... ...ng case for why nationalism will lead to a great clash of civilization. Nationalism has done so much in the last century to strengthen individual states as well as interstate relations. The countries of Europe all have very different and unique cultures and strong nationalism yet since WWII they have develop good interstate relationship through the development of the European Union and have the Euro, a unified currency. Many states throughout the global have been able to engage in peaceful economic agreements and treaties. What makes the global community was wonderful and effective is the different cultures and mindset being used in combination to find the most creative and effect method of international relations. Without nationalism every state would eventual look and function the same and there would no longer be any competitive push to be better or to improve.

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