What is a Hernia and What Can Be Done?

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According to research, by definition a hernia is a protrusion of tissue through a defect or weakness in the abdominal wall. (Fuller, 485) The type of hernia as well as its location varies in individuals. The regions or locations where hernias may appear include; hiatal (lower portion of esophagus), epigastric (above umbilical), umbilical (umbilicus area), inguinal (above the inguinal ligament), femoral (crease in the leg). This case study focuses on the repair of an incisional (ventral) hernia. This type of hernia normally occurs in the abdominal wall on the ventral surface of the body, excluding the groin or inguinal area. This in fact is why they are referred to as ventral hernias. The structures or organs that surround an incisional hernia depend on where the hernia exists in the body.

Hernias are the most common pathology of the abdominal wall. (Fuller, 485) An incisional hernia is the protrusion/herniation of tissue into the tissue layers around an abdominal incision which most often occurs in the immediate postoperative period or later, after an incision has healed. An individual may have an incision from a previous surgery that failed to heal completely due to obesity, excessive coughing, stress, etc. These factors cause the scar tissue to be aggravated or weakened which generally is the cause of herniation. Statistically, incisional (ventral) hernias have been known to be among the most difficult hernias to treat.

As usual, a review of the patient’s medical history, a physical exam and x-ray are the most common methods used to diagnose and incisional hernia. Physicians may perform additional amounts of testing if needed to rule out other health conditions. These additional tests depend solely on the anatomical site of ...

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...own the patient’s bed. Once everything was wiped down, the two surgical techs and I went out to pull our case. We took a case cart and we went to the sterile supply room and the Instrument supply room to pull these necessities. After we got everything we needed, we rolled the case cart back into the room and got ready to open the case. The two surgical techs and I laid the packaged supplies across the operating room bed. We each started picking up supplies one-by-one and checking the expiration date. Once the expiration date was validated we checked the packages integrity. The integrity is basically what the condition of the pack is. The conditions we looked for was moisture and/or condensation inside the pack and holes, cuts, tears, or scrapes on the outside of the pack. After each item was checked we tossed them one-by-one in a sterile manner on the back table.

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