What Are The Effects Of Cyberbullying?

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Cyberbullying is defined in legal glossaries as the use of communication technologies that support deliberate, repeated, and/or hostile actions by an individual or group to harm another or others(“Definition”). Cyberbullying has many ways of getting around. The hurtful information used in cyberbullying can be transferred by cell phones, computers, tablets and even other communication tools such as social media sites and emails. You will usually find cyberbullying in the form of text, photos, and video(“What Is Cyberbullying”). Did you know that, according to a report by the National Crime Prevention Council, 43 percent of teens have said they were a victim of cyber bullying at some point within the past year? Almost half of the teens surveyed said that cyberbullying is so common because the cyberbully does not receive any tangible consequences (47%) and/or feels he or she would not be caught cyberbullying another individual(45%)(“Teens”). What most adolescents do not realize is that cyberbullying leads to serious effects such as self harm and in extreme cases, suicide. The worst part is that there are no direct laws against cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a crime and it causes victims to act differently in many different ways. A cyberbully deserves the same punishment as a ‘regular” bully.
Cyberbullying takes its toll in many different means. It undermines one’s self-esteem, confidence, and even sense of security. It also has been shown to affect the student at school. It not only affects his or her performance in school, but also his or her attendance(“Effects”). 15 percent of the total absenteeism at schools is directly related to the fear of being bullied. Drop outs can also be directly related to bullying with one in every te...

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"Cyberbullying Research Center." Cyberbullying Research Center. 18 Nov. 2013. .
"Phoebe Prince, South Hadley High School's 'new Girl,' Driven to Suicide by Teenage Cyber Bullies." 01 Dec. 2013. .
"Teens and Cyberbullying." Npnc.org. 30 Nov. 2013. .
"What Are the Effects of Cyberbullying?" Teachtoday. 18 Nov. 2013. .
"What Is Cyberbullying." Home. 18 Nov. 2013. .

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