What Are the Dangers of Paranormal Research?

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What are the dangers of paranormal research?

John, being bored, turned to his good friend Charlie and asked if he might be interested in a little ghost hunt. They both agreed to travel to the nearby cemetery later that night. John had been watching a ghost hunting television series for weeks and became interested in re-searching the paranormal. John had watched ghost hunting expeditions so many times on tele-vision he thought he knew enough to go out and do it himself. So later that night John and Charlie had gone into the cemetery with their voice recorders, digital cameras, video cameras equipped with night vision, and a Ouija board. Although they may have thought they were knowledgeable enough to hunt ghosts, they lacked the most critical information left out on any ghost hunting television show. John and Charlie were not aware of the dangers of paranormal research. The end result was a demonic entity attached itself to Charlie. From that night Charlie went into deep depression, and shut everyone out of his life. From our youngest years as children, our curiosity is drawn to the unknown. This curiosity can have unexpected grave consequences. There are dangers involved in conducting paranormal research.

One of the major dangers of what may seem to be a harmless process of ghost hunting is spirit attachment. Spirit attachment is where a spirit, who could be a benign human spirit or a demonic spirit, attach themselves to and follow a person. In this situation it is not always noti-ceable. When demonic spirits attach themselves to a person, that persons emotions can fluc-

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...ghost hunting is the manifestation of spirits. There are a few things that are known to manifest spirits. Using Ouija boards to attempt to make contact with the spirit realm invites spirits into your life. You never know who you are communicating with when you use a Ouija board. Therefore, it is dangerous because who you are inviting to com-municate with you could very well be a demon. Just as the Ouija board there are possible risks in hearing or watching messages played back on a number of devices. There have been reports that certain EVP's, including other audio or video of the unknown, when played at a location can induce paranormal activity and possibly cause the manifestation of an entity or activity which you may not desire.

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