Western Heritage

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The patterns of living that the world witnesses today are greatly influenced by history. This is because of the fact that history plays an immense role in forming one’s future; the abundant interactions socially, economically, politically, result in repercussions that can hardly be unraveled. However, this does not in anyway mean that one cannot trace today’s state of affairs back to its roots. Tracing today’s occurrences back to their origin is possible due to the fact that the agents’ (nations) origins are known.

Having understood that the world has taken the form it has through the domination or imperialism of Western countries, it is said that they are the agents that have greatly influenced the world; their ideologies in addition to their political as well as economic influences have spread across the globe through time (Headrick, 1981).

In order to understand how these influences or principles have spread, it must also be figured out how these principles developed. Again here, it must be asserted that the historical context is of vital importance because it reveals the manner in which some actions that took place at particular points in time had formed consensus notions. It is these notions that were carried through and developed into what have become western democratic principles. These had evidently developed with the passage of time due to the occurrences that took place on the American continent; the types of people that landed there were responsible for the influences they had in the formulation of law. Though other western countries experienced similar transition America is one country that must be particularly mentioned (Kagan et al, 2000).

Protestantism, secularism, liberalism, nationalism, and industrialism,...

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...ural industry (Marks, 2002). It must be noted that this part of American heritage had a great deal to do with secularism. This is because of the fact that it represented equal opportunity for all to participate. This is in spite of the fact that marginalization of different kinds did develop in American society (Kagan et al, 2000). One particular one that did arise was through the economic inequalities. This was a serious one, as many individuals suffered tremendously during the rise of the industrialized America. In addition to this, there was the gender inequality that was also a significant depravity, especially because of the rise of industrial America, as women were treated as a secondary/reserve source of labor. Having understood that industrialism had such an immense impact on America, it may rightfully be asserted that it is the most relevant historical force.

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