Weight Loss Research Project

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In the American Culture we have adapted many ways of the Greek and Roman Empires. Our society has the laid back lifestyle of the Greeks and the physical fitness of the Romans. Statistics show 45 percent of Americans set a goal every year to achieve weight loss/fitness. Of that 45 percent, and just under half of Americans still maintain their New Year’s Resolution (Hub Pages). The question is why is weight-loss so important in America? There are many answers and factors that play into figuring out the equation. One factor is the increase of obesity in our country year in and year out. Other key factors is the impact of media on our culture to look slim and be sexy, and even children’s toy figures have become more masculine and unrealistic. Although our society is becoming more accepting that not everyone can be a Barbie and Ken or resemble characters from our favorite action figures, the combination of these major factors help answer the equation to why weight loss has become so prevalent in our society today. Losing weight and getting in shape is not a logically simple task. According to research studies it is estimated that 40-50 percent of U.S. households purchase supplements costing Americans over 40 billion dollars per year (SNAC). There are numerous objectives that individuals do not take into consideration like proper diet, training regimens, and even quality sleep. Some understand the importance of combining all elements to have great success while others are searching for the “miracle” pill. In recent years weight loss supplements have exploded into the market of fitness. Some of the supplements like ephedra and yohimbine have been used for weight loss and other purposes. Ephedra is a drug used traditionally in ... ... middle of paper ... ... and Fitness Magazine May 2009: 124+. Print. CDC - Data & Statistics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30 June 2010. Web. 26 July 2010. . "Dr. "HIIT is your best choice for burning off Belly Fat"." Health Habits. N.p., 17 June 2009. Web. 26 July 2010. . Eating Disorder Statistics. South Carolina Department of Mental Health, 2006. Web. 26 July 2010. . CDC – Obesity and Overweight. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 21 June 2010. Web. 26 July 2010. < http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/>. Cornforth, Tracee. Is Weight Loss Surgery the Easy Way to Lose Weight? About.com: Women's Health, 24 Nov. 2009. Web. 26 July 2010. .

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