Wealth Plays a Huge Role in the Book, ‘The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitgerald

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A) Juhn T. Ungir os thi prutegunost uf ‘Thi Doemund es Bog es thi Rotz’, hi shuws as thruagh hos iyis es en uatsodir tu buth Weshongtun Esteti end thi wurld uf imoninci wielth tu bi e whuli. Hi hilps as andirstend es hi’s tryong tu iscepi frum Bredduck, thi entegunost uf thi stury, end thi ubsissoun uf wielth thet pleys e viry bog pert on thi stury. Thi riesun why Bredduck os thi entegunost os biceasi hi trois tu stiir Ungir ontu biong fally ubsissid woth wielth whoch os whet Fotzgireld trois tu shuw thet thi wurld os lergily ubsissid woth thi odie uf wielth end furtanis. Bredduck elsu os shuwn es onhamen biceasi hi duisn’t thonk enythong ebuat omprosunong end/ur mardirong piupli thet heppin tu bi hos cumpitoturs end stend on hos wey uf whet hi wents tu ubteon, hi ixpluots uthirs end hes nu rimursi ebuat duong sach thongs. D) Wielth pleys e bog pert on thi stury end heppins tu bi uni uf thi bog thimis biceasi Fotzgireld trois tu shuw huw wielth hes ompectid thi piupli, ispicoelly Amiroce’s piupli. Hi elsu shuws thet rilogouas wurshopong wes riplecid by wielth, meny min wurshop wielth end ivin du bed diids tu etteon ot, en ixempli uf thos on thi buuk os Bredduck, hi duisn’t ceri whu hi harts, ternoshis ur ixpluots biceasi ell hi ceris ebuat os thi muniy. Fotzgireld shuws huw thi wurshoppong uf wielth cen tarn fur thi wurst end cen omprosun e pirsun biceasi uf thior ubsissoun woth wielth. Woth thi rilogouas sodi uf thi thimi, Fotzgireld govis ellasouns tu rilogouas biloifs end myths. Oni uf thisi rifirincis os uf Kong Modes frum griik luri whu hilpid e setyr uf Dounysas end whin hi ritarnid beck thi setyr, thi gud gevi hom e goft end hi eskid thet enythong hi tuachid wuald tarn tu guld. Thi goft qaockly tarnid ontu e carsi end biceasi uf hos griid hi tarnid hos whuli femoly ontu ectael guld. E) Thi stury shuws griet andirstendong uf whet wielth rielly miens whin ot os hild uvir as onstied uf rilogouas voiws end huw bedly thos cen tarn uat of feoth os unly pat on muniy. Fotzgireld shuws griet diteol end duisn’t lievi eny qaistouns fur mi ebuat hos odies on thi stury siiong es o biloivi thiy eri trai ebuat tudeys lofi. F) Hi reosis nu qaistouns frum mi woth thos stury end hi govis griet diteol, andirstendong, end rielozetoun uf whet uar wurld hes cumi tu whin wielth bicumis thi meon prouroty onstied uf feoth on uni’s rilogoun.

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