Waiting for Godot: Who is Godot?

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In Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot two characters, Estragon and Vladmir are waiting for ‘Godot’ in which Beckett does not explain. Along with Estragon and Vlamir comes Lucky and Pozzo another two figures who add a bit of nonsense into the play to distract the reader from the real issue, waiting for Godot. Simply who or what is ‘Godot’, is the question that Beckett’s play raises. It is easy to say that Godot is a Christ figure or God, hopefully Beckett would not make it that easy. So who/what is Godot? One may say that the characters are just waiting for someone or something to make sense of the world that they are in. The characters hopelessly wait day after day for this ‘Godot’ to come, and yet it never arrives. One must look into each character to find out who it is that Godot is searching for.

First to appear in the play in Estragon who is French, being because of his name with his pair Vladmir a Russian. These two appear in this order because of their national revolutions, the French and Russian revolution. The two represent the post-modern human who never finds ones self...

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