Volume Weight Average Model (VWAP)

1993 Words4 Pages


In 1988, Logue stated that each transaction cost includes at lease two components, one is explicit cost which can be measured easily, such as commission; another one is implicated cost which is not able to be estimated directly. (Louge, 1988) The market impact cost is an example to illustrate implicated cost, which causes concern in transaction cost. From then on, how to measure the transaction cost became a significant issue of economic and financial industry. (Louge, 1988)

On Logue’s research, he eager to establish an approach to estimate the market impact cost, basing on a benchmark trade price. Utilizing the actual trading price and the benchmark price, participators are able to measure the market impact cost. (Louge, 1988) Logue use the Volume Weight Average Model (VWAP) as the tool to prove his finding. However, we can not ignore the shortfalls about the VWAP, including it never consider the opportunity cost and will be less effective in less liquid market.

The aim of this report is utilizing the Volume Weight Average Model (VWAP) to assess the benchmark price of two stocks--BTA and YLC, and to calculate the market impact cost in one day practice. The report will criticize the risk of this approach and give some improvement of this model.

Has VWAP Been Achieved?

In this trade execution, there are two stock were observed, one is Biota Holdings Limited (BTA), the other is Lynas Corporation Limited (LYC). Both shares are listed on the Australian Security Exchanger (ASX). The executed strategy is that brokers divide the orders as small as possible and try to trade the stock frequently. Below Chart 1 and 2 has illustrate the trade volume in respective to each trade.

Chart 1

Chart 2

Before the trade was executed, the 5 days trading data had been already processed and get the historical ratio of trade volume per hour. Under the formula of VWAP, the 50,000 shares were divided into 6 segments, each part on behalf of one hour on the trading day. The trading volume would follow the ratio in different sections.

Table 1

VWAP of The Experiment Average Actual Trade Price Execution Cost Execution Cost*

LYC $0.546977 $0.548 1 cent 0.187%

BTA $2.236223 $2.223 1.3 cent 0.594%

*Execution Cost is the percentage of the difference between actual price and the benchmark price.

In the whole execution, the first round the brokers sold 50,000 shares of BTA and the VWAP of that day was $2.236223 per share. However, comparing with the average actual trade price $2.223, the estimated VWAP is higher than the actual price $0.

More about Volume Weight Average Model (VWAP)

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