Violent Video games cause violence? I Think Not.

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Violence is everywhere, in magazines in the shops, on the TV, on websites like YouTube as well as in video games. Yet, why is it that those video games are said to be the biggest media source responsible for the violent outbursts of different individuals? Is this really the case? Every eight out of ten homes in the United Kingdom own a current generation games console and video games have become a fantastic source of education when helping kids to learn, such websites like or the VTech Learning System that teach kids literacy, numeracy and the sciences through their games. However it seems an American politician called Joe Biden deemed that violent video games should be taxed just because some isolated cases that miscreants blamed violent video games they had been playing such as Call of Duty or Mortal Kombat; these games depicting scenes of people ripping someone’s spine from their body or being blown to pieces are said to have ‘caused’ their actions. Some politicians believe that you should tax violent video games to push the parents away from buying them but this is a hideous idea also. However I believe that violent video games do not support or glamorise violence in any way and in turn are not the main cause of physical violence. Firstly, video games cannot cause violence. People cause violence. It will be a number of effects that have caused these individuals to be violent such as an upbringing being horrendous. This would have a metal consequence on how the person reacts to certain situations. Also it could be in the person’s genes that caused the violent action to happen and all they needed was the right position and time. Or even maybe the act has no links what so ever. A final prospect is that vi... ... middle of paper ... ...em-with-taxing-violent-video-games/story-e6frfro0-1226644312014

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