Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Another massacre with dozens of innocent lives lost. People’s tears everywhere just because an individual, for one reason or another, decided to pull the trigger. Occasions like this happen way too often, not only scarring families of the victim, but also the community around them. Ever since the Columbine school shooting, the gun laws have gotten stricter to prevent this from happening. Even so, massacre’s still do happen, some of these terrifying assaults of violence are from terrorist attacks, gang violence or children being bullied from school. As American’s, we always look for who to blame. In cases like this, whom do you really blame? Do we blame the person who was selling the weapon, the individual who bought the gun or the environment …show more content…

People enjoy collecting and shooting guns. It’s unfair for people not to be able to do something they enjoy. From a gun collector’s perspective, guns are life. Gun collectors don’t see it as a way of harming people but just the joy of going to the range and shooting. Then, as some opposing the idea, there needs to be a consideration of the second amendment. The second amendment states that every man has the right to have ownership of a gun ( This means, as American’s, people cannot be stripped away from the guns they own or will own. The second amendment is one of the fundamental rules that America was built upon. Abolishing this amendment is as bad as breaking down the roots of a …show more content…

The gun world is a big world. A majority of people has weapons at home and kids see and want to explore with. The government would now need to set up a way to limiting guns so that people can keep track of the weapon. There are collectors with more guns than people think are possible and unfortunately those people are most likely to get robbed for their weapons. In the book, “Politics of Gun Control,” Spitzer writes that the average gun owner has about eight different types of guns in their households and an extensive collection of ammo (39). That fact should worry people. This is a great amount of deadly tools of destruction. Well organized, it could whip out a small city. Recent statistics show that “gun buying has increased close to and has doubled, since what was like in 2005” (Weil). That’s a lot of weapons being sold. Thinking about those are the only ones that are traced and not the ones being sold that people are unaware

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