Vietnam War and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Men zoom by on a sled. Cheerful music plays in the background, and a voice chimes, “You want fast action?” A man floats along on water skis. “Outdoors action?” the voice calls. A man climbs up a tall, dangerous mountain. “Real man-sized action?” the voice proclaims. “Well, here’s action that tops them all, in the combat branches of today’s Army,” the voice finishes (Quitney). It was not uncommon to see the Army or military glamorized in Vietnam recruitment commercials, much like the one described previously. Despite the decorated ideals of the military life and duties, the Vietnam War would prove to be far from idealistic for U.S. soldiers. Many of the soldiers who were drafted into the war did not have a choice in the matter and did not want to go. During training camp, the privates were often mistreated and suffered physical and mental punishments. American soldiers committed war crimes repeatedly without any second thought. Because of the brutality that occurred during the Vietnam War, many soldiers suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which frequently led to suicide and depression. The goal was to win the war, but those who were forced to kill without conscience cannot close their mind to the anguish they placed upon themselves and so many people.
Millions of men were called to serve in the Vietnam War. Sometimes, the men were drafted and did not have a choice. Unlike the gift-wrapped ideals of the war that were displayed to the United States, many soldiers would find that the military life would involve far more than “real man-sized action.” To the general public, soldiers were being drafted to be heroes, but once they were forced into war, less than heroic things occurred, and no one would be able to object. The law...

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...ments and desensitized of their civilian mentality, making them walking, breathing killing machines. During war, this became apparent with the countless war crimes committed by soldiers; they were trained to not have any apprehension in regards to killing the Vietnamese, because they were “gooks” and of lesser form than a human. These violent events have scarred and traumatized some soldiers for the rest of their lives. Some soldiers have developed mental illnesses, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression. Some veterans will always live their lives damaged and in fear. Some have already taken their own life because the burden of knowing and reliving what they went through during the Vietnam War was too much to bear. The only goal of the war was to gain a victory, another notch on America’s belt, regardless of how many lives it cost, including American.

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